Chiara Lamieri
Illustrator • Concept & Design Artist
Chiara Lamieri
Photo by Dietrich Steinmetz


I am an illustrator and visual development artist based in Cagliari. I’m working both on publishing and the animation industry.

I've published books for Rusconi Libri and Read Read Road. I've taught drawing and shared my experiences at the “Accademia d’Arte di Cagliari”.
In 2019 I entered as a background artist in the animated feature film "A trip to Teulada", directed by Nicola Contini and produced by Mommotty, Isla Production and Flora's Room.
In 2022/23 I was part of the coordination team of the NAS - New Animation in Sardegna project by Sardegna Film Commission Foundation, as the Lead concept and Production designer.
In 2023 I directed the animated short film "Scatto 1970", made within the NAS - New Animation in Sardegna project.
I'm currently working on a collection of illustrated cards for Panini Comix.

For any questions regarding work or just to say hi, feel free to write to me. I'd love to hear from you.

Thanks for stopping by!